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The Keys Page

This screen allows you to set the keys that activate the features of UOAssist.    Also it can remind/teach you of the names of the features and the keys that currently activate them.  First select a feature from the features list and the current key setup will be displayed.  If you wish to change the key click in the Hotkey box, then press the key (or key combo like alt-F1) desired.  If you pressed a valid key its description will appear in the box.  If you check the Pass on to UO box after UOAssist looks at the key it will pass it on to Ultima Online for processing.  Its usefulness has yet to be seen but the option is there if needed.    When a feature is selected, pressing the Clear Key button will as named.   If you assign the same key to more than one feature only one of the features will be executed.  Currently UOAssist doesn't check if a key is assigned to more than one function so beware.

The Use shift-ESC to close 'gumps' isn't much help now that you can change the close gumps feature in UO to whatever key you'd like.  For this feature to work you'd have to set UO to use ESC to close gumps.

Features only accessible via hot-keys:

NOTE:  Last target and target self bypass notoriety query so be careful with them.