Likely cause - Either UO patch did fail OR you are one of the few people
that has the problem with UOPatch seemingly failing when actually it
Solution - If you know how to use the program RegEdit you can add a DWORD
value named UpFailOK here:
\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tugsoft\UOAssist. Set the DWORD
value to 1.
NOTE: Around 7 people have reported this problem dating back to
1998. But 2 of those 7 were from the first week after WinXP SP1 was
released. They had just installed XP SP1 so something in that
service pack may cause the problem as well for some.
Likely cause - Some of the characters in the key have been altered.
Solution - Use copy and paste to move the key so no characters are altered. Also if
it is a registered key (not a trial) you can use the 'Locate Key' link on the website to
make sure you have the correct key.
Likely cause - The game account you are using isn't the game account the key was made
Solution - If you registered the account use Locate Key to get the key. If you
haven't registered the account you can sign up for a trial or order a key. Here is
more information on multiple account support.
Likely cause - Hmm
Solution -
Info on multiple
Likely cause - The email address on the form was incorrect OR you used the old forms
and the program didn't understand a field or two so it must be processed by hand.
95% of the time it is a bad email address.
Solution - If you were ordering you can check the Locate Key
page to see if your key is available through it. If it was a trial request you'll
need to send an email and include your seed so
the problem can be found.
Likely cause - Hmm.
Solution - Just put your key(s) on all of the machines. The seeds will look
different but the same key(s) will still work for the game account(s) for which they were
made. This is true of both trial and registered keys.
Likely cause - Got banned, sold account, gave account to friend ...
Solution - Sorry but keys are not transferred from one account to another UNLESS the key
was purchased in the past 2 weeks. You can sign up for a trial with the new account
and then reregister if you desire.
Likely cause - the trial for that game account has been used either by you or someone
else that had access to the game account
Solution - Order UOAssist
Likely cause - You have a personal firewall running that is preventing
UOAssist.exe from accessing the internet.
Solution - Give UOAssist access to the internet in your firewall package OR
turn off the firewall. ZoneAlarm users - A number of users have
reported that they had to uninstall ZoneAlarm and reboot before UOAssist
could access the internet to get updates. So if you are running
ZoneAlarm and continue to have problems you may need to uninstall it at
least temporarily or contact ZoneAlarm to get help.
Likely cause - UOAssist.dll is 'locked'
Solution - Reboot. If that doesn't clear the problem get the latest full install
from the Get It Now page and reinstall.
Likely cause - UOAssist.dll is 'locked' so the update failed
Solution - Reboot. If that doesn't clear the problem get the full install and
Likely cause - Pauses right before target or menu commands.
Solution - Never put a pause on a line before a target or menu command
Likely cause - Using 'Use Item'
Solution - Before recording the macro count resources (numlock). Record the macro
and then stop. Then right click on the Use Item line(s) and change them to Use Item
Type lines. Then when a shovel breaks UOAssist will look in your pack for another
shovel. Remember though that there are 2 different types of shovels.
Likely cause - UOAssist doesn't 'see' the bandages
Solution - Recount resources (default is NumLock)
Likely cause - UOAssist doesn't 'see' the potion.
Solution - Recount resources (default is NumLock)
Likely cause - The recycle bag isn't in your pack as it needs to be OR UOAssist doesn't
'see' it.
Solution - Make sure the recycle bag is in your pack and then recount resources (default
is NumLock)
Likely cause - The item in the arm setup is no longer in your pack or near you.
Solution - Reset the arm setting
Likely cause - carrying trapped boxes
Solution - You can tell UOAssist to not open specified containers on the advanced resource
page. Go to the resource page and then hit the advanced button in the bottom left.
Then add the containers you want UOAssist to ignore to the list. When you do
this UOAssist will not count any resources in that container or any containers it has in
Likely cause - bad return email address in your email package OR the message didn't
seem to need a reply ( like a thanks for the help ... message or please add this feature
message )
Solution - Correct the email and return email addresses in your email package.